Kiwanis Club of Carmichael
The Kiwanis Club of Carmichael is involved with many hands-on projects in the community. These include programs at local schools, partnering with other local organizations, and helping the environment. Here are just a few:

Koobs Nature Area
One of our signature projects is maintaining and running the Koobs Nature Area. Koobs is a 4.7 acre nature preserve in the heart of Carmichael. Along with making it available to school and scout use, the Kiwanis Club of Carmichael opens the nature area to the public with themed science and art activities for kids.

Serving Lunch for VIP Athletes
It is always a please to provide lunch for Special Olympic athletes as part of the VIP swim meet and floor hockey tournament. We make hot dogs and sandwiches and then pass out complete lunches to coaches, athletes, and their families.

Food for Families
By partnering with the Sacramento Kindness Campaign, we make hundreds of meal kits for families struggling with food insecurity. We sort the food, prepare the meal kits, and participate in distributing the kits to local families.
Youth Programs
The Kiwanis Club of Carmichael sponsors several local youth organizations. These include Girl Scout Troop 3191, Boy Scout Troop 55, a K-Kids Club at Schweitzer Elementary, and the Del Campo Key Club.

Food and Toy Drive
During the holiday season, our club partners with the Sheriff's Community Impact Project to collect food and toys. We then organize, bag up, and deliver the collected items for various schools around our community.

Adopt a School
Each school year we adopt a local school and provide backpacks filled with school supplies to kids who need them. We also provide a special breakfast and lunch during the year for the staff to show our appreciation. Past schools have included Schweitzer Elementary and Churchill Middle School.

Giving Tree
The Kiwanis Club of Carmichael will be teaming up with SMUD and community members to plant 20-30 shade trees at local area schools. These will beautify the campuses while also benefiting our environment.