Kiwanis Club of Carmichael
Where Our Money Goes
As a 501c3, 100% of the money received by the Kiwanis Club of Carmichael Foundation through fundraisers and donations is returned to the community in the form of monetary donations, donations of items, and hands-on volunteer work. Here is a sample of the organizations and programs supported by the Kiwanis Club of Carmichael:
SJUSD Summer Music Camp Winthers Scholarships
SJUSD Visual and Performing Arts Grants
SJUSD Academic Incentive Programs
Wayne Reimers Jazz Festival (SJUSD)
Kiwanis Family House at UC Davis Medical Center
Kiwanis Family House Room Sponsor
College Scholarships (High School, Scouts)
International Kiwanis “Eliminate Neonatal Tetanus”
Del Campo High School Key Club
K-Kids, Albert Schweitzer Elementary School
Carmichael Library
El Camino Music Program (SJUSD)
Chautauqua Playhouse Student Scholarships
Carmichael Park Easter Egg Hunt
Carmichael Park Silent Sleigh
Carmichael Park Christmas Tree Lighting
Community July 4th Parade
Community Athletic Programs for Youths Special Olympics Events
Koobs Nature Area at La Sierra
BSA Troop 55, Scouts & Venture Crew Support
Girl Scout Troop 3191
Run to Feed the Hungry
American River Parkway
Alzheimer’s Association
History Day
SCIP Sheriff’s Community Impact Program
Effie Yeaw Nature Center
Mustard Seed School
Family Promise
Shriners Hospital
Thanksgiving Turkeys
Sacramento Kindness Campaign
Carmichael Presbyterian Food Closet
Our Lady of Assumption Food Closet
SJUSD Food Closet
Salvation Army Christmas
Loaves & Fishes