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Strategic Plan 2024-2025


Our Motto:  Serving the Children of the World

Our Vision:  Kiwanis will be a positive influence in communities worldwide…so that one day, all children will wake up in communities that believe in them, nurture them and provide the support they need to thrive. 


*Definition of Diversity: Psychological, physical and social differences that occur among any and all individuals; including but not limited to race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, socioeconomic status, education, marital status, language, age gender, sexual orientation, mental or physical ability, and learning styles.

**Definition. of Inclusion: All people feel welcomed, valued and respected with no fear of judgment or recrimination.

membership and engagement

Continue to build, retain, and support a growing and diverse Kiwanis Club of Carmichael membership with the following strategies.   

Recruitment – new member annual goal is 8 new members.  

  1. Conduct intentional outreach and recruitment to further increase membership diversity which aligns with community demographics.

    1. Tactics to achieve the above outreach.

      1. Attend Carmichael Chamber monthly mixers to promote Kiwanis.

      2. Develop a list of community leaders from various groups to invite to our service projects.

  2. Schedule programs and program speakers at general meetings which reflect diversity of people, topics, and philosophies.

  3. Attend service projects and events of organizations which are diverse groups to build rapport and mutual interaction. Make a list of target projects, organizations, and events. Develop a list of prior mutual projects from last year to be used and expanded in 2024-2025. Attend one (1) per quarter.

  4. Social media pages to be reviewed by Membership Committee to ensure social media messaging supports new membership goals.

  5. Primary committees to achieve goal success include Membership, Programs and Meetings, and the various fundraising events which require community outreach and engagement; however, all committees and active members are encouraged to make outreach to encourage new membership.

  6. Recruitment goal to be reassessed at 6 and 9 months to ensure progress to annual goal and to the diversity and inclusion of the Club. Appropriate modifications or adjustments to be made by the President and the Board with committee input.

Retention – overall active/paid membership goal is net gain +1.

  1. Assess member interests to find engaging and relevant projects and meetings which inspire and encourage participation by members both new and continuing. Assessments to be conducted by Membership Committee via queries at general meetings and through member requests/recommendations.

  2. Provide sponsors of new members with guidance on supporting and checking in with new members to aid with consistency and engagement.

  3. Ask and encourage all members to take part in at least one committee and one service project each quarter.

  4. Spread service opportunities to all members via personal outreach (intentional engagement). Committee chairs may be particularly attuned to those who volunteer on projects.

  5. The primary committees responsible for goal success are Membership and Programs and Meeting, however all committees contribute to the vibrancy of the club and influence the engagement of members in the various projects and services.

  6. Hold periodic social events outside the general meetings which enhances club fellowship and engagement.

  7. Continue development of Club Interest Group activities to heighten member engagement and provide opportunities for member recruitment of like-minded people to the Club.

  8. Primary accountability for goal success is Membership, and Programs and Meetings committees with support from various committees in aiding with engagement of current club members. Retention goal to be reassessed at 6 and 9 months to ensure progress to annual goal and to serving the diversity and inclusion of the Club. Appropriate modifications or adjustments to be made by the President and the Board with committee input.

leadership and Education

Develop competent, capable, caring leaders within Kiwanis Club of Carmichael to better serve the diverse needs and interests expressed by our surrounding community with the following strategies.

  1. Assess diverse community needs by survey of current organization members and partners to be completed by July 2025. Review and revise prior survey and list in the Spring for implementation in Summer 2025.

  2. Survey learning interests of Club members with a goal of offering a range of topics to meet the diversity of the Club to be completed by May 2025. Review and revise prior survey in the Spring for implementation in Summer 2025.

    1. Work with KI materials to find existing resources to address needs expressed through external and internal surveys.

    2. Club leadership and committee chairs support and contribute to identification and rollout of surveys and implementation of resulting educational initiatives.

  3. Create Club organization guides to be in binders and on Google drive for the following to enhance access to information.

    1. Club roles and responsibilities descriptions.

    2. All major fundraisers including See’s Candy sale, Crab Feed, Taste of Carmichael, and Big Day of Giving. Information to include.

      1. Committee duties and responsibilities

      2. Timeline of key milestones for event preparation

      3. Checklists of event resources and material requirements

      4. Vendors and suppliers list

  4. President to conduct Board orientation training in September 2024 including approval of Annual Budget for 2024-2025 year.

  5. President-elect to conduct Club leadership succession search and planning in March 2025.

  6. Encourage committees to change chairpersons, or use co-chairs, and to create a plan for succession in chairpersons as called for and needed.

  7. Encourage a minimum of six members to attend District Mid-Year Conference in Modesto February 2025 and District Convention in Las Vegas August 2025.

  8. Hold a March 2025 (mid-year) Committee Chairpersons meeting for purpose of review of committee activities, alignment of giving, areas of greater collaboration, and other expressed concerns.

  9. Primary accountability for goal success is Club Leadership team with support from named committees or individuals as needed. Goal to be reassessed at 6 and 9 months to ensure progress to annual goal. Appropriate modifications or adjustments to be made by the President and the Board with committee input.

community impact

Perform meaningful service to the greater Carmichael community with specific focus on diversity and inclusion with service to children, the environment, and those community members in need with the following strategies.

  1. Establish and implement strategies to guide outreach, services, and community connections to reach diverse groups in the Club service area.

    1. Continued focus on Koobs Nature Area, signature project of the Kiwanis Club of Carmichael. Activities include, but are not limited to monthly open days, recognition to Veterans at Veterans Day and Memorial Day, support of activities with school children visits, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, and other community members. Avenues of support to this project to be continuously assessed for improvements.

    2. Find and support a new impact project with input from community and club members to enhance and enrich the service community. A competitive request process to be used to find the highest and best need.

    3. Continue to support the established K-Kids, Aktion, and Key clubs.

    4. Establish/Charter Circle K at American River College in Fall 2025.

    5. The following committees to create a minimum of one new service project to be named by October 2024 for implementation in fiscal year 2024-25, Community Services, Youth Services, and Young Children Priority One (YCP1).

    6. Find a unique hands-on community service project by October  2024 with special emphasis and includes volunteers of families and children.  Various committees to take part in the identification of project. Implementation to occur in fiscal year 2024-25. Example Giving Tree – tree planting.

    7. Develop strategies for engagement with organization members to promote mutual benefit, generate service opportunities, and highlight organization members in our Newsletter and social media.

    8. Infuse sustainability goals to assure all club projects and fundraisers adhere to best practices for environmental protections.

  2. Create a reference list of projects and services provided to the community which includes both dollars and service hours Kiwanis Club of Carmichael provides to its service community on an annual basis. Information to be provided to leadership by various committees and documentation of hours to KI.

  3. Primary accountability for goal success is Club Leadership team with support from key outlined committees named above. Goal to be reassessed at 6 and 9 months to ensure progress to annual goal. All Club projects and services are to be continuously assessed for commitment to diversity and inclusion. Appropriate modifications or adjustments to be made by the President and the Board with committee input.

branding and image

Enhance and maintain the Kiwanis Club of Carmichael image and brand to reach all those in the community who may benefit or want to join the Club using the following strategies.

  1. Work to enhance opportunities for publicity and reporting in the Carmichael Times and Inside Arden. Additionally, when possible, work to secure reporting by local TV (KCRA) for Club activities with community-wide interest including Taste of Carmichael, holiday weekend events (i.e., Breakfast with the Bunny, 4th of July) as part of their weekend updates. Added announcements to be provided to the Carmichael Chamber of Commerce newsletter or webpage, Supervisor Rich Desmond newsletter, San Juan School District “Scene,” and Sacramento 365, for publication to their constituencies.

  2. Social media pages to be reviewed for design enhancements including ease of use and navigation as considered appropriate. Content adds/changes is ongoing.

  3. Transition to new KI approved website framework to begin October 2024. Work with KI assigned representative and Club webmaster.

  4. Assess all signage and collateral for various fundraisers to decide if there are opportunities for image and brand enhancements during events. Items to be considered include digital announcements, invitations, thank you, actual signs, flags, vests, and banners at events, and printed collateral to be used for community outreach and branding. Membership committee to oversee and make recommendations.

  5. All branding collateral and community outreach, designed for fundraising purposes to properly distinguish Kiwanis Club of Carmichael Foundation as a 501c3 to follow necessary fundraising guidelines.

  6. Collaborate with club organizational members to see if there are opportunities for shared branding efforts such as websites and on-site signage with other organizations 

  7. Provide members who attend community events, activities, and functions with top reasons/impact statements “Why Join Kiwanis Club of Carmichael” is a valuable resource and service in the community.

  8. Club members who are doing community outreach to support recruitment efforts shall have Kiwanis business cards provided to them upon request and other printed collateral as needed or available.

  9. Increase presence at community events which align with Club vision of diversity and inclusion. Work with Carmichael Chamber of Commerce to identify events along with suggestions from membership. (This strategy aligns with Recruitment A.a.ii.)

  10. Leadership and members should seek opportunities to speak at meetings of other community/organizations. Seek opportunities to have Kiwanis Club of Carmichael placed in social media postings of organizations with whom we partner. (This strategy aligns with Recruitment B)

  11. Primary accountability is Membership committee with support from Club Leadership and associated committee chairs as needed. Goal to be reassessed at 6 and 9 months to ensure progress to annual goal. All Club branding and image efforts are to be continuously assessed by the Club for commitment to diversity and inclusion. Appropriate modifications or adjustments to be made accordingly by the President and the Board with committee input.

financial viability

Ensure financial viability and responsible stewardship of Kiwanis Club of Carmichael with the following strategies.

  1. Secure the services of a professional accounting firm to ensure all required and recognized accounting practices for a non-profit organization are followed, to include all tax filings, record keeping including monthly Profit & Loss Performance Reports, and balance sheets.

  2. Club to keep all records on an industry standard software program for efficient submission of monthly, quarterly, and annual accounts to contracted accounting firm for required submission of tax and other required filings.

  3. Develop standardized reporting of results following various club fundraisers at club meetings to celebrate success of events and make outcomes more transparent to club members. Additionally, quarterly fundraising updates to be provided at club meetings. Format and reporting to be coordinated with President, Board, and Treasurer.

  4. Complete an annual financial review by Financial Review Committee completed by end of calendar year December 2024.

  5. Complete an annual investment review by Investment Committee in December 2024

  6. Complete an annual review of the Club Policies, Procedures and By-laws by October 2024.

  7. Complete an annual Club risk assessment by December 2024.

  8. Club Budget Review and reconciliation conducted by August 2024 with approval  by new Board before September 30, 2024. A mid-year review will be conducted in May 2024.

  9. Major Club fundraisers. Budget and fundraising projections to be prepared by designated committees with approval and oversight by the Board. Timing of events as follows:

    1. See’s Candy Sale – Nov/Dec Nov. 22 – Dec. 22

    2. Crab Feed – Jan 18, 2025

    3. Taste of Carmichael – May 9, 2025

    4. Big Day of Giving – May 1, 2025

    5. Breakfast w/Bunny – April 19, 2025

    6. 4th of July Pancake Breakfast – July 4, 2025

  10. Primary accountabilities for success include Treasurer and assigned committee chairs. Goal to be reassessed at 6 and 9 months to ensure progress to annual goal. Appropriate modifications or adjustments to be made accordingly by the President and the Board with committee input.

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